
Thrills! Chills! SPILLS!

In our never-ending quest to raise awareness of the sinister hazardous materials lurking in your home, we ladies of Solid Waste have enlisted the help of a local superhero to help spread the word about the evils of ground water contamination.

Enter Haz Man!

A mild-mannered Deputy Director at Emergency Management by day, Bill Fletcher transforms into Haz Man whenever a hapless citizen decides to risk polluting our environment by improperly disposing of hazardous material.

Watch! Him battle motor oil polluters!
Marvel! At his intelligence and brawn!
Learn! Why never to pour anything down a storm drain!

Tomorrow! Tuesday, September 15 at 8:00 p.m. on Channel 9, witness Haz Man’s worldwide television premiere during the “Green Living” program!

Tune in early to watch the five o’clock news and catch a whole phone bank of hazardous waste avengers (featuring me)!

If you just can't wait to watch me on Channel 9, you can find my last absurd collaboration with WCPO here.

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